Monday, October 19, 2009


Hey so we went down to grandpa and grandma miller's house this weekend for a little get together with grandma's family. It was so cute seeing linkin and Travis together although Linkin could not sit still long enough to interact a whole lot with Travis. Travis is very content just to sit in one spot and play with his toys for a while whereas Linkin can't sit still for longer than maybe ten seconds. lol. Travis and Linkin are really close to the same height now I think that Linkin is just a little bit taller but not by much, but Travis still has him on weight. Travis is still at least a pound heavier. We will find out in about 3 weeks just how big he is Travis has his 9 month checkup on the 5th of November. It was so cute seeing Travis interact with the other kids though. Travis doesn't get to see many people other than Travis and I so he had a little bit of a hard time warming up to grandma Karrie and he had an even harder time warming up to grandpa Kerry. Travis still was a little nervous towards him the night before we left. But Travis had no problem interacting with the other kids. It is so cool how Travis is not near as intimidated about kids than he is towards adults.

Next weekend we will be going down (or should I say over) to my parents house and that should be fun and interesting...... My sister next in line to me will see Travis for the first time since he has been born. That is right Travis is almost 9 months old and my sister still has not seen him. But for good reason.

It was so nice because this was the first time that we have been out of time since we have bought the house and it was so nice knowing driving home that we were going home to a brand new house that is 5 times bigger than our old apartment. :)

Well I better go..... until next week.
P.S. that little kid leaning on the couch in the picture is Thomas (Collin and Sam's son)


  1. Glad you guys had fun over the weekend. Those are the times when it's hard to be gone. Hopefully we can have a big get together at christmas. I can't believe how big Travis is! He's gonna be carrying you around soon!! Miss you.

  2. It was good to see you guys! We need to schedule a dinner night out next time you come, because it always seems like we only see you for a few hours though you are down for a weekend... Baby Travis is soooo cute!
