Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We had a blast this weekend with the Miller family! Travis was still a little timid toward everybody and it didn't help any that he didn't get his naps as long or as often as he usually does but he was still cute or so everybody kept telling me. :) Man I swear Travis and Linkin could be twins. Travis little Travis Linkin your mom and I went to Applebees for lunch the day we left and even our waitor asked if they were twins. And then some old grandma's came up and touched both of them. Man I should have put a please do not touch sign on both of them. I think that that is so rude who knows what diseases they could have spread. Travis finally got his fourth tooth to break through. Actually it broke through the first night we were at your parents house. Linkin has finally passed Travis though in weight. He weighs just a couple ounces more than Travis I know that may not seem like a lot but after you have held both of them for a while it is. :) We can't wait to see you guys next month and hopefully Travis will warm up to you guys faster than he did with your dad. He was still shy with your dad the night before we left. Luv you guys and give all the little one's a hug from us.


  1. Those two boys are so cute. In that bottom picture where Travis isn't smiling he looks EXACTLY like his dad! I can't believe it:)

    We are so excited to see you too. I hope that Travis warms up fast too, I can't wait to hug him. Love you guys!

  2. Ah, you posted the pics! They are cute!
